Gold Mining Adventures in the Camp on the Mokulmne River


Roaring Camp is a gold mining camp on the Mokulmne River California. It is a camp that is specially tailored for family recreation. It was once mined by the Forty-Niners and was so inaccessible that most of its gold still exists. At Roaring Camp, guests are invited to see the gold mine operation and are allowed to mine for their own gold by panning, sluicing, dredging and dry washing. This place is so rich in natural resources that there are a number of interesting activities for everyone in the family. In the Mokulmne River Canyon there are three forks of the Mokulmne River that meet making it a river of unsurpassed natural beauty where the water is so clear that fish and tadpoles swim. There are also waterfalls and rock formations that go as high as forty feet!  . There is a quiet, secluded place called a “swimming hole” where guests may go for a swim and varying sized rocks which is ideal for diving – for those who dare. Aside from diving and swimming, families may make reservations for the use of a cabin or a tent and camp. While camping they may have a picnic by the river where tables and a fire ring are set. Guests also have miles to river to explore, go rafting and fish for Rainbow Trout or German Brown. Families may even go hiking and enjoy trails leading down to the Mokulmne River. Since there are miles of unexplored canyon, you may be able to find quartz crystals, jasper, jade and river rubies. Then on Saturday Night, there is a Cookout Dinner which is a five hour trip into the canyon. Dinner is a hearty New York Stead BBQ. This dinner would cost non-campers a fee of $50 and is free for campers. As this dinner is part of the guided tour, guests are brought to the Museum, Camp and the Placer Gold Mine where the guide will also show you how to pan for gold. Now, the gold mining adventures California has begun. It all starts with a trip to the Placer Gold Mine where guests are invited to mine for their own gold. Visitors may also obtain gold by dredging which may be done with the use of gold dredge. This is done by a machine that extracts gold from sand, gravel and dirt using water and mechanical methods. The other method of obtaining gold is through the sluice method. This is done when gold bearing gravel piles are dug off the bedrock and are made to run through the screening plant to remove the larger stones. Piles are limited and advance reservations have to be made. This method will cost $325 per person plus cabin rent. The fee also included all mining equipment and help from Roaring Camp’s crew. Have fun and enjoy gold mining adventures at Roaring Camp Mining Co.

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Guided Gold Mining Tours and Outdoor Adventures


Roaring Camp Mining Co. is a gold mining camp on the Mokulmne River. It is located at the Clinton Bar in the Mokulmne River Canyon. It is a place described to be so beautiful that a traveler once wrote in the 1855 newspaper named Volcano Ledger – “the most beautiful landscape ever witnessed was there spread out to our enraptured view. Who could look upon that scene and not be reminded of Nature’s God?” This place is so blessed that it is not only the landscape but also the gold that can be found in this place. This place is an old gold mining camp which was once mined by the 49ers, and was only accessible by horseback. Since the camp was so inaccessible, much of its gold still remains. Roaring Camp has prepared outdoor adventures and fun activities and guided gold mining tours for their guests. For an affordable fee of $40 per person, the camp has programmed an All-Day Adventure which includes outdoor adventures and fun activities. Their guided gold mining tour includes a trip to the remote Mokulmne Canyon which was then mined by the 49ers and are still being mined today. Visitors are then brought to see their Placer Gold Mining Operations, their Wildlife and Mining Artifacts Museum and the ruins of the past where old mining equipment is kept. Guests are also shown how to pan for gold and where they may purchase the patented pans. Some outdoor adventures and fun activities such as collecting rocks like jaspers, jade, river rubies and quartz crystals; hiking along the trails once used by the 49ers, rafting and exploring miles of river, swimming in swimming holes and diving from natural rock formations around the swimming holes. Other outdoor adventures and fun activities like gold mining adventures may also be done. If a reservation has been made ahead of time, guests may obtain gold through the sluicing process. Gold bearing gravel piles are dug up from bedrock and are run through a screening plant to remove the larger rocks which are non-gold bearing material. Then a sluice box, water, settling pond and the equipment needed for mining is provided. Water will be supplied for 3 hours a day – 1 ½ hours in the morning and another 1 ½ hours in the afternoon. This process will take 5-6 days to finish. Then everyone in the operation gets an equally divided portion of what has been mined. This process would cost $325 per person which includes cabin rent. Should you wish to have fun in a gold mining camp, visit Roaring Camp Mining Co. and mine for your own Gold!

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Camp and Enjoy Gold Mining Adventures on the Mokelumne River


Do you want to go camping on the Mokelumne River? What is in store in this camp? The thought of going camping brings a lot of fun memories, especially if it is camping on the Mokelumne River because this camp is a gold mining camp. It is here that you will experience a lot of outdoor adventures and fun activities.

The gold mining camp is none other than the Roaring Camp Mining Co. This place is an old mining camp which was once mined by the Forty-Niners. It was then only accessible by horseback but because of this, most of the gold can still be found in the place today. Visitors are welcome to see the gold mining operations and they are allowed to mine for their own gold through panning, dredging and sluicing. This place has not only been blessed with gold, but also with natural beauty of the river where the water is clear, waterfalls and natural rock formations that are as high as forty feet. Tadpoles and fish may be seen swimming in the clear water. Camping on the Mokelumne River means you and I can enjoy the place with a lot of outdoor adventures and fun activities such as going on a picnic by the river, exploring miles of river by rafting, swimming in a secluded and quiet place called “swimming hole” and diving from varied sizes of rocks around the place. The river is also blessed with a lot of fish that a camper may go fishing for German Browns and Rainbow Trout. Then guests may also go hiking in the trails used by the Forty-Niners. As these visitors go hiking, they may collect rocks such as quartz crystals, jade, jasper, river rubies and arrowheads. Then comes the Saturday Night cook out where the camping guests get a treat of New York steak barbeque. Non- campers may also join the Saturday night cook out dinner for a fee of $50 per person. The whole family may enjoy outdoor adventures and fun activities like playing golf in the miniature golf course and children may have fun in the playground where they may avail of the swing, the slide and a climbing fort. Then the best of these outdoor adventures and fun activities has yet to be done and it is none other than the gold mining adventures. Gold may be obtained through any of the following processes- dredging, panning, or sluicing. Each cabin is provided with dredging equipment. Those who wish to pan for gold may purchase the patented gold pan from the general store. With regard to sluicing, reservations have to be made ahead of time because piles are limited. This process will take 5 to 6 days before the operation is completed. Visit Roaring Camp Mining Co. relaxes, enjoy and have fun with our gold mining and outdoor adventures.

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Many believe that a trip or a vacation is not really worth mentioning unless it was worth taking a lot of pictures of.  This is mostly why there are a lot of social sharing sites on the internet that are dedicated and maximize on photo posts.  This has become so popular that many people looking for viable locations for trips, tours and generally outdoor adventures and fun check out these photo sharing sites to see which location would best appeal to them.

Most of the shared photos on these sites, while being quite picturesque and exotic, are mostly of the same theme and scenery: beaches, food, or the night lights of a city as scene from a very high vantage point.  Most of these are indeed skillfully and tastefully done, but with so many of them seemingly of similar scenery and subject, it does tend to become a bit monotonous and repetitive to look at, often leading some to simply stop browsing the photosets a collection may have.

A good idea to get more people to visit and maybe even like your photo posts is to present them with a rather different fare.  With so many people posting multitudes of pictures of beaches, exotic dishes and smorgasbords, and city skylines, it's a good guess that offering them a different scene, such as scenes taken from a family trip to an offbeat spot, such as the Gold mining camp on the Mokelumne River, could very well pique the interest of more people.  The logic in this idea is actually quite sound and simple:  be the first to offer something different to people who have seen too much of the same thing and you are bound to have a large audience.

The good thing about this idea is that you might even get to help some people out there who are actively looking for a change in scenery.  This is because that for most who are planning of taking some time off from work or their daily grind, the very first thing they think of is an island getaway, or maybe a lazy afternoon in the hot tropical sun with sand beneath their feet.  While all of this does sound a bit relaxing and maybe a little inviting, it is also the very same thought that about a thousand others are also thinking.

The result:  you get to spend your precious vacation time on a locale that might very well be very crowded already, with the best amenities already taken or occupied, leaving you with very little options for relaxation and recreation.  On top of it all, this trip may be quite expensive, and it really doesn't make any sense to waste money on a place you might not really get to enjoy yourself.

By picking a different kind of vacation or recreational trip, like maybe camping on the Mokelumne River, you not only get to experience something quite different from your usual fare, but you also get to enrich your sense of cultural appreciation, not to mention get a much better value for your expenses.  On top of it all, you will definitely be able to snap some very interesting pictures that is decidedly different from the ones most people are already posting.

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